General business conditions

General business conditions

Hotel Panoráma

Trenčianske Teplice Ltd.  ID: 363 34 227

Article 1
Introductory provisions and concepts

  1. These General Terms and Conditions / hereinafter only GTC / were accepted and approved by the company Hotel Panorama Trenčianske Teplice s.r.o., with its registered office in Trenčianske Teplice, Nádražná street 1902/12, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Trenčín, section: Sro Insert number: 14494 / R. Hereinafter referred to as the Panorama Hotel.
  1. In these GTC, the terms and expressions defined below have the following meaning, unless the context in which they were used requires the application of another meaning:

a / Hotel-accommodation facility marked Hotel Panorama, owned and operated by Hotel Panoráma Trenčianske Teplice s.r.o .. Hotel Panorama is located at Nádražná 12, 914 51 Trenčianske Teplice and is in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic no. 277/2008 Coll., Which establishes the classification signs for accommodation facilities in their classification into categories and classes, included in the category: hotel, class: ****

b / Hotel premises – all interiors of the hotel, including mainly social, restaurant, accommodation rooms, warehouses, offices, corridors, stairs, outdoor parking, summer terrace, lawns, access roads, etc.

c / Client – any natural or legal person who concludes a contract with the hotel for the provision of services or submits a binding order to the hotel.

d / Contract – has the meaning according to Art. 2 of these GTC

e / Contracting party – means separately the hotel or the client

f / Contracting parties – are the hotel and the client

g / Service – means any service within the hotel in accordance with its subject of business, but especially accommodation, catering, wellness and congress services, sale of goods, rental of premises and equipment, technical, personnel and organizational services, etc.

h / Event – social, cultural, educational and other event, which is attended by a larger number of people, which is associated with the provision of several types of hotel services, but especially events, banquets, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, trainings, corporate parties, wedding receptions, birthday parties, etc.

I / Event organizer – any natural or legal person who organizationally, technically or otherwise arranges the event on behalf of or for the benefit of the client and for this purpose enters into a contractual relationship with the hotel, unless otherwise agreed, the client of the event / client / is its organizer

j / individual client – 1 to 9 people who jointly order the hotel service or book hotel accommodation usually at the same time of arrival and departure

k / Group – 10 and more persons who jointly order hotel services or book hotel accommodation usually at the same time of arrival and departure

l / Moment of payment – the moment when the entitled contracting party has gained a real opportunity to dispose of the paid funds, t. j. on the day they are credited to the account, taken over at the cash register, etc.

m / Damage – real damage and lost profit. The damage is compensated in money, however, if the authorized contracting party so requests and at the same time, if possible, the damage is compensated by restoring it to its previous state.

  1. Unless the context indicates otherwise, the terms and expressions used in these GTC, which denote only the singular, include the plural, and vice versa.

Article 2
Application of general terms and conditions and conclusion of the contract

  1. These GTC apply to all contractual obligations entered into by the hotel with the client as the other party in the provision or delivery of services, unless their application is expressly excluded in the contract Contract means an agreement on the scope and content of mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties, concluded:

a / in writing, where the expressions of will of the parties, including the signatures of their authorized representatives, are contained in the same document, or

b / on the basis of a client request confirmed by the hotel.

  1. Application according to letter b / of the previous paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the order) the client implements in relation to the hotel in person, in writing, by fax, via e-mail. The contractual relationship is established by confirmation / in writing, fax, or e-mail / of the client’s order by the hotel.
  2. The GTC are an integral and inseparable part of the contract concluded between the hotel and the client. Deviating provisions in the contract take precedence over the wording of the GTC.
  3. By concluding the contract, the hotel undertakes to provide the client with a service in the agreed scope and quality, while the client is obliged to pay the hotel the price for the agreed and provided services.
  4. The contract can also be concluded through an intermediary, whereby the intermediary himself acts as a liable person to the hotel, unless the hotel gives written consent to the change in the person of the liable entity.
  5. The Client is not entitled to assign or transfer any or all of its rights or obligations under the contract to a third party without the prior written consent of the hotel and is not entitled to sublet the leased premises to a third party.

Article 3
Accommodation services

Reservation of services

The reservation can be made by the customer in his own name or for the benefit of a third party.

The reservation is confirmed to the customer (guest) by the hotel after receiving the order by the guest in the form of:

    • by phone
    • in writing
    • electronic

The order must contain:

  • name and surname of the guest in the case of a company company name
  • date of use of hotel services
  • contact details: telephone number, guest address, email contact
  • method of payment for services, in the case of a company billing data scope
  • type of ordered services

The hotel is obliged to process the order within 24 hours or on the next working day for group bookings by confirming the reservation or rejecting it.

Based on the order, the hotel will issue a booking confirmation, which will confirm to the guest the range of services in writing or electronically.

Accommodation conditions

Only the guest who is checked in can be accommodated in the hotel. To this end, they will present their ID card or a valid passport. He / she will check and sign the registration card, which he / she will hand over to the receptionist upon registration.

At check-in, the guest guarantees payment for the booked services (depending on the number of nights) by pre-authorization from the payment card or by payment in cash. Unfortunately, the guest will not be able to stay if the guest refuses to guarantee the booked services. When using the services on behalf of the room, the guest is obliged to present a hotel card and sign the bill. The final bill for the guest is paid at the reception at the end of the stay.

  1. Reserved rooms that the client did not take over until 18:00 at the latest. on the day of arrival, the hotel is entitled to leave it to another client, this does not apply if the later arrival of the client has been explicitly agreed If the client is interested in a guaranteed reservation, the hotel is entitled to require the client to pay a deposit of 100% of the total price of the booked accommodation.
  2. The reservation is considered guaranteed by the hotel at the time of payment of the required deposit.
  3. Client who stays in the hotel before 6:00 am. in the morning he is obliged to pay the price of accommodation for the whole previous night. From a client who requests accommodation before 10:00. in the morning and the room was not occupied the previous day, the hotel is entitled to demand payment of of 50% of the price of accommodation for the previous night (so-called Early check-in).
  4. When moving into the room, the client is obliged to report any deficiencies, irregularities or reservations immediately after finding them at the hotel reception. He is also obliged to proceed if he finds any damage to the room, its equipment or inventory. In the event that the hotel finds damage to the room or its inventory after the client’s stay, without the client reporting these facts at the hotel reception, the client is obliged to compensate the hotel for such damage in full.
  5. The client is obliged to vacate and leave the room no later than 10:00 on the agreed day of departure. on the agreed date of departure, unless otherwise agreed in advance. If the client hands over the room after this deadline, but no later than 16:00, the hotel is entitled to charge a fee of 30 euros (so-called Late check out) and after 16:00. full price for next night’s accommodation.
  6. If the price for the services provided by an individual client exceeds the amount of EUR 600, the client is obliged to pay the bill for the services provided so far immediately at the request of the hotel reception.The client’s stay, his other rights and obligations in relation to the hotel are regulated by the Accommodation Rules of the Panorama **** Hotel and the operating rules of the hotel. The individual rules are binding for hotel guests.
  7. Unless this is excluded from the nature of the matter, the provisions of this article of the GTC also apply to the accommodation conditions of groups, provided that the accommodated guest and the person who made the group reservation are responsible for the obligations to the hotel jointly and severally.

Article 4

  1. The scope of services provided by the hotel in connection with the event is determined by the contract. If the services have been agreed by the parties, but not precisely specified, the hotel is entitled to provide the event organizer with services and goods as determined by the hotel within the agreed budget.
  2. The hotel is obliged to provide the agreed services properly, on time and in the usual quality for the number of participants agreed in the contract. The quality of the services provided depends on the cooperation of the event organizer, which consists primarily in adhering to the agreed material and time schedule of the event. The hotel reserves the right to reject any order by the event organizer relating to the event if it has not been delivered to the hotel in advance within a reasonable time. The hotel may make an urgent change in the organization of the event, for reasons attributable to the event organizer, the payment of a cancellation / cancellation fee in the amount set by the hotel.
  3. The organizer of the event is obliged to announce the exact number of participants of the event no later than six (6) working days before the start of the event, while a deviation from the agreed number of a maximum of 10% is assumed. If the number of persons is lower, the hotel is entitled to charge a cancellation fee for not using the agreed capacity in excess of the 10% deviation and / or to provide other than the agreed premises or to withdraw from the contract. If the event organizer requests the provision of services for a larger number of people, the hotel will make every effort that can be reasonably required to comply with it, taking into account the space and operational capacities, but for services exceeding 10% deviation is entitled to request reimbursement of the increased costs associated with it. There is no legal right to provide services for persons exceeding the specified deviation.
  4. The event organizer is not entitled to allow the event to consume his own food and drinks, except those provided by the hotel, unless expressly agreed otherwise.
  5. If, on the basis of a special contractual arrangement, the organizer of the event and / or the participants of the event is entitled to bring and use alcoholic beverages not provided by the hotel, he is obliged to pay an additional service fee – the so-called cork in the amount set by the hotel.
  6. In this case, at the same time, the organizer of the event takes full responsibility for the legal origin, health safety and settlement of tax, respectively. Customs activities related to imported alcoholic beverages. If, under a special contractual arrangement, the event organizer and / or participants are authorized to bring and consume bakery and confectionery products not provided by the hotel, the event organizer is fully responsible for the health and hygiene of the bakery and confectionery products. In accordance with the generally binding legal regulations in force in the field of public health, the hotel is entitled to take a control sample from each type of these products and keep it in the prescribed manner for the necessary period.
  7. The event organizer is fully responsible for damages (caused mainly due to damage, destruction, loss, theft) caused to the hotel property, which occurred in a causal connection with the action of the event organizer, event participants, or third parties (eg persons providing music production , video recording, etc.) involved in the preparation and / or course of the event based on the relationship with the organizer or participants of the event.
  8. The organizer of the event is obliged to compensate the hotel for the damage no later than 10 days from the delivery of the statement of damages. The organizer of the event is obliged to comply with all generally binding legal regulations applicable to its activities. In the event that the activity of the event organizer, the event itself, or any part of it realized on the hotel premises (music, performances of artistic groups or performers) or services and goods provided under the contract requires consent, expression, opinion, contract, agreement concluded with state or public administration bodies or other third parties, or where such third party is entitled to impose or demand a fine, fee, tax, royalties or other monetary or non-monetary benefits as a result of the event under applicable regulations, including rights intellectual property (authors, performers), the organizer of the event is obliged to secure such consent, statement, opinion, conclude the relevant agreement or contract, pay monetary performance or provide other performance to a third party or state administration or public administration body in full.
  9. In the event that the hotel, on the basis of a valid decision of a state or public administration body or another state body, provides a service under the previous paragraph, the event organizer is obliged to replace the hotel at the first written request within the period specified therein).
  10. The hotel may require the event organizer to provide a security service if the hotel deems it justified in the circumstances. Any costs related to the guard service are borne exclusively by the event organizer.
  11. The organizer of the event is entitled to bring into the used areas of the hotel any objects, things or any installation of decorations in connection with the event only with the prior consent of the hotel. In order to prevent possible damage, the event organizer is obliged to agree on their installation and location in advance with the hotel. However, these items must be removed immediately after the event and may not be temporarily or permanently stored in any areas of the hotel that are open to the public.
  12. In the event that the event organizer violates its obligations under this paragraph, the hotel is entitled to remove these items and things and keep them at the expense and risk of the event organizer and is also entitled to charge a deposit or rental fee. In the event that the event may disrupt public order, restrict or endanger the interests of the hotel and other clients, the organizer of the event is obliged to notify the hotel without undue delay. The hotel is entitled to take adequate measures to prevent such a situation, and the organizer of the event is obliged to provide the necessary cooperation.

Article 5
Technical equipment

  1. The client is entitled to use the basic technical equipment of the premises used under the conditions and at the price to the extent agreed by the contracting parties. If the parties agree in writing, the hotel is obliged to provide special technical equipment from third parties, in which case the client is responsible for the professional handling of such equipment and its proper delivery.
  2. The client is obliged to compensate the hotel for any damage incurred as a result of the rights of third parties relating to the loading and use of such technical equipment.
  3. The client is obliged to inspect and test the technical equipment provided by the hotel in a reasonable time before the event and complain about all defects to the responsible employee of the technical department of the hotel immediately, otherwise the hotel is not responsible for ineligible technical equipment or defects.
  4. The client may use other technical equipment than the hotel provided only with the written consent of the hotel and after prior approval by the technical section of the hotel. This provision shall also apply to the use of telephones, facsimiles or other communication systems that may be installed on the hotel premises or connected to the hotel system. The consent of the hotel may be subject to the payment of a special fee or other performance (flat-rate compensation for electricity consumption, connection fee, etc.)

Article 6
Price for services and payment terms

  1. The client is obliged to pay the hotel for the agreed and / or provided services the price specified in the contract or calculated in the manner specified in the contract. Unless otherwise agreed, the agreed price for hotel services results from the valid hotel price lists. The hotel publishes the relevant price lists in the usual way, especially on its website, at the reception, or at its other facilities.
  2. The client, who is the organizer of the event, is also obliged to reimburse the hotel for all services and goods (including other related costs such as food and beverages, telephone bills), which were provided under the contract to accommodated persons and / or participants.
  3. In the event that any services or goods in accordance with the contract are charged directly to the guest, the accommodated person or in the group reservation of the event organizer, the event organizer and such person are jointly and severally obliged to pay these costs and the price of the hotel.
  4. Prices for services agreed in the contract and listed in the valid price lists include value added tax / VAT /, but the price of accommodation does not include local tax. In the event that the VAT rate changes from the time of price calculation, the hotel is obliged to apply the relevant VAT rate when invoicing according to a special regulation governing VAT effective at the time of issuing the invoice.
  5. If the period between the conclusion of the contract and the first day of the event / provision of service is longer than 4 months and at the same time during this period according to the hotel price list prices for agreed services increased, the hotel is entitled to unilaterally increase the agreed prices, but not more than 10%. which the hotel is obliged to inform the client.
  6. Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract between the hotel and the event organizer, the event organizer is obliged to pay a deposit of 80% of the agreed price of the event no later than 7 (seven) days before the start of the event.
  7. Unless otherwise agreed in advance, the basis for billing the hotel services is a tax document – invoice, usually issued on the day of the client’s departure from the hotel or the day when the client used all the ordered hotel services. The invoice must contain all the requisites according to a special legal regulation in force at the time of issuing the invoice.
  8. Tax documents (bills, invoices) of the hotel are payable in full within 14 days of their issuance, only if the contract or these GTC stipulate a different period. In the event of the client’s delay in payment, the hotel is entitled to charge the client interest on arrears in the amount of 0.05% of the amount due for each day of delay, including the day of payment. Interest on arrears is payable on the first written request of the hotel within the period specified in the request.
  9. Payment in excess of EUR 5,000 cannot be made in cash. The value of a payment, which is divided into several separate payments, is the sum of the values ​​of these payments, if these payments result from a single legal relationship.
  10. In the event that a client who has been granted credit or special payment terms by the hotel is in arrears with the fulfillment of any monetary obligation to the hotel, the hotel is entitled to unilaterally revoke this credit or special conditions and all outstanding obligations of the client to the hotel become due.
  11. Payment by credit card can be made before and after the use of hotel services, based on the data provided by the client necessary to make the payment. The hotel reserves the right to additionally charge the client’s credit card for any differences that will be discovered upon his departure (eg damage caused, etc.). with which the client expresses his express consent when placing the order, in this case the hotel is obliged to inform the client in writing of any additional settlement of differences from the client’s credit card and the reasons for such additional settlement.

Article 7
Cancellation policy

  1. Cancellation means the expression of the client’s will, which is in breach of the contract, regardless of its fault, unilaterally cancels, revokes, waives, does not take over or does not use the agreed services, or any part thereof. The legal consequence of the cancellation is the termination of the hotel’s obligation to provide the agreed services and the client’s obligation to pay a cancellation fee to the hotel.
  2. The cancellation fee has the character of a contractual penalty and also serves to compensate for damage caused to the hotel by non-compliance with the contract by the client. The cancellation fee represents a percentage of the price of the agreed services. The amount of the cancellation fee, unless otherwise agreed in the contract, is determined depending on the length of time that has elapsed from the moment of cancellation to the date of the planned start of the provision of agreed services as follows: Time from cancellation to the planned date of provision of services in calendar days:
Time from cancellation to the planned date of provision of services in calendar days Amount of cancellation fee in percent
29 až 15 inclusive 10
14 až 8 inclusive 20
7 až 5 inclusive 30
4 až 2 inclusive 50
1 and less 100
  1. In the event that only part of the scope of the agreed services is canceled, the cancellation fee shall be determined in accordance with this Article only from the price of the services not provided as a result of the cancellation.
  2. If, when confirming the reservation of the event date, the reservation deposit is taken from the event organizer and the event is subsequently canceled, or for reasons on the part of the client no contract for the event is concluded, the amount of the deposit is considered an agreed cancellation fee.
  3. The hotel’s right to a cancellation fee according to para. 2 of this article in the amount exceeding the reservation fee, this is not affected.
  4. The hotel is entitled to use the funds provided to it as a deposit to pay the cancellation fee in the form of a unilateral set-off. If the hotel is entitled to a cancellation fee, the hotel is obliged to send the client within 14 days from the date of origin of the claimed cancellation fee a notification of the quantification of the amount of the cancellation fee and its due date, or Also for notification of the execution of a unilateral set-off against the client’s receivable for the return of the deposit.
  5. In exceptional cases (illness, death, etc.), the hotel may waive the right to a cancellation fee, based on demonstrable evidence of a serious reason for cancellation.

Article 8
Withdrawal from the contract

  1. Each contracting party may withdraw from the contract for reasons explicitly stated in the contract.
  2. The hotel may also withdraw from the contract for the following reasons, unless these or some of them are expressly excluded in the contract as reasons for withdrawal:

a/ this right has been agreed in writing with the client

b / the client does not insist on performance by the hotel

c / more than 90 days have elapsed by the date of the planned start of the provision of services

d / there are circumstances for which the hotel is not responsible and which make the fulfillment of the contract impossiblee

e/ the client has obligations to the hotel after the due date

f / when booking, an advance payment or an advance payment was agreed and the client did not fulfill his obligation on time

g / the services have been ordered or reserved for providing incorrect, misleading, untrue or truth-misleading information about the client or other material facts

h / the hotel has a reasonable reason to believe that the use of hotel services could jeopardize the proper operation of the hotel, the safety of the hotel, its employees or clients, damage the reputation or seriousness of the hotel to the public without legitimately attributable to the owner, respectively. The governing body of the hotel.

Article 9
Liability for damage caused to items brought in or postponed

  1. The hotel is not liable for damage caused to items brought in or postponed, which were brought by or by the accommodated clients, unless otherwise the damage would have occurred.
  2. The hotel is only responsible for jewelery, money and other valuables if the client has handed them over for safekeeping or if the client has entrusted the responsible hotel employee for safekeeping. The right to compensation shall lapse if it has not been exercised no later than the fifteenth day after the day on which the injured client became aware.

Article 10
Communication and delivery

  1. Any notice or any other formal communication between the parties must be made in writing and the party concerned must be sent or delivered in person, by post / registered mail /, express courier service to the address, fax number or e-mail address specified in the contract. / may also be in the title of the contract / or to another address, fax number or e-mail which the contracting parties shall notify to each other in accordance with this Article.
  2. Any notice or any other formal communication shall be deemed to have been duly received:

a / on the day of delivery of the consignment to the relevant contracting party, if the consignment was delivered in person, by courier service or by post / as registered mail / or if the addressee refuses to accept the consignment on the day of refusal to accept the consignment / undelivered /,

b / in the case of sending a consignment by fax or e-mail, on the day of the fax transmission or sending an e-mail, if the consignment was sent before 15:00. On any working day, in other cases on the working day following the day of dispatch.

Article 11
Common and final provisions

  1. These GTC, the contract and the relations arising from the contract or related to the contract are governed by the law of the Slovak Republic.
  2. Clients confirm their consent to these GTC when executing the order. The hotel reserves the right to unilaterally change the GTC. The obligation to notify the change of the GTC in writing is fulfilled by placing it on the hotel’s website (website)

The amended GTC shall apply to the contractual relationship of the contracting parties from the date of their entry into force. The amended GTC do not affect the legal claims that arose between the contracting parties before the change took effect.

  1. Should individual provisions of these GTC be or become ineffective or invalid, this does not affect the validity or effectiveness of other provisions of these GTC.
  2. Relationships not regulated in these GTC or in the contract are governed by the relevant provisions of generally binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, which are closer in nature to them.
  3. All disputes arising out of or in connection with the contract shall be settled by mutual agreement. If no agreement is reached, the disputes will be finally decided by the competent general court in the Slovak Republic.

These general business conditions of the Panorama Hotel Trenčianske Teplice  take effect on July 1, 2015.

Ing. Marta Mišíková
Owner of company